Kirsten Avoids
Langford Finds A Lost Rally Flag
Tony Martin's
Incredible Story of Deer Hits,
Bike Crashes,
Brake Failure, And MORE!!
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Three Tales From the 2015
Iron Butt Rally
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with your story!!
have three stories so far from the 2015
IBR. We start with a Smurf Card "classic" event: bad
avoided. Recall that Raider Karma refers more often to just
that sort
of circumstance.
Were it not for some intervention,
disaster was set to occur. OR,
disaster DOES occur But then some
"unlikely" events come together to save your bacon and
buttisimo. So "fate" intervenes to cause a
set of
circumstances where you get help just when you needed it
or for some
reason instead of every bone being broken you come out
with just a
busted lip or you take an action you had not planned on
that magically
avoids a problem. Some of the tales are a bit
spooky. The
odds of the circumstances unfolding as they did cannot
calculated. Some events you might claim as just
plain luck.
And a couple of folks submitting these stories are
clearly perplexed as
they don't WANT to believe in Raider Karma but are now
mulling over
what just happened to them. For a more complete
set of tales go HERE.
To get
your own Smurf Card and get on the Raider List click the
link in the
column on the left.
These three stories
run the continuum
from "was that just luck?" through "I can't believe
you survived".
Kirsten Avoids An
Kirsten Avoids An Antelope
Talken-Spaulding's Story
Kirsten is a gold medalist in
year's Rally. She was also in the lottery to for
the opportunity
to carry the Shards of Touring. We made sure that
she was among
the competitors personally handed a Smurf Card when
riders assembled in
Kirsten Writes: ...perhaps the Smurf Card was
a factor. One wonders how
it was that I saw a white figure running off
in the hills --- is that
an ATV, a jogger, what the heck is that
thing... well, what ever it is
it just dropped down in a valley... um, I
think I'll slow down just in
case --- and out of seemingly no where in the
middle of South Dakota
rolling hills an antelope pops out onto the
road RIGHT where I would
have been had I not slowed. A startled look
from the white beast and
off it went... and so did I :) |
Mike Langford Finds A Lost Rally Flag
Everybody seemed concerned that I might be a DNS (did not
start) but I
got in late Saturday (amidst typical New Mexico storms).
Check on
Sunday went without a hitch. At some point during the day I
that somebody had placed an envelop in my top case. I opened
it to find
a letter and a business sized "Smurf Card". This had come
from Troy
Martin. It seems that Dancin' Dave has some Karma that is
passed around
from the original Smurf via these cards. I'm not at all
so I smiled nicely and thanked Troy for his consideration. I
tucked the
Smurf card into my papers and didn't give it much more
thought. As the
Raider website says: "It Can't Hoyt!!!".
The Lost Flag
The Harry Truman site in Independence was a good bonus for
me. That's
about 15 miles from my Mom's house in Mission, KS and I'd be
able to
get my rest bonus and a good meal at her house. I managed to
make it
through the horrible St Louis storm cells (I was now well
dressed for
rain with my pant liners in place, and the Frogg Togg
protecting my jacket) and headed west to KCMO. I hit the HST
site and
snapped the photo and headed west. I was tired and had
The next AM I'm packing up and saying goodbye to my Mom and
I don't see
my flag. Yep, in my haste the previous night I'd drove off
with my flag
draped over my top case. Sigh my ass! I was downright SICK!
I headed
back to Independence in the hopes that my flag could be
found. I'm
about 1 mile from the site when I realize it could be
anywhere along a
15 mile stretch of streets, roads, and freeways, My sickness
because, up to this point, I hadn't been watching the road.
About that
time, a 1/4 mile or so from the bonus site I spy my flag
lying on the
center line of the 4 lane Truman Road! It was worse for the
wear but
intact! Smurf? I'm still a skeptic but not so much as
Troy Martin's Incredible Tale In His Own
(Read this and marvel at the set of circumstances involved)
Troy "won the lottery" to get the Shards of Touring on his
Pictures of the Shards arriving
and the "hand over ceremony" follow his tale. And he
of course
had a Smurf Card and even gave some to other competitors.
This is the write up I
posted on Facebook about it. It pretty much covers all the
Ok, I guess it's time for a write up on what happened to my
IBR run
that I'd been planning and training for for 5 years. I'm out
of the
rally at the end of leg 1. It's odd that it's not due to
mechanical or
personal failure really, just bad luck, several times. It all
about 2 months before the rally when I took my bike to the
shop for pre
rally maintenance and they found a chip in my cam, not
critical but
let's replace it anyway. 2 weeks extra to get the part and it
fit, ok, put it back together and let's go with it. Then I
find my passport, Amanda found it for me. Then loading my GPS
audio books it failed and corrupted the disk so it wouldn't
boot up.
After thinking on it for a day I fixed it by formatting the
micro SD
card and starting over. Then I installed all the rally
equipment back
on the bike and I noticed my cruise control wasn't working. I
it down to a short that was blowing a fuse, back to the shop.
discovered when I installed my aux tank, one of the mounting
pinched the trunk power feed causing the short, which caused
the brake
lights to not work (ground feedback issue I think), which
caused the CC
to not work. While it was in for the short I let them go ahead
and do
my brakes and tires which I had planned on doing myself
(remember this
part). So now I'm ready, but I've got a week still so hey, who
do some last minute adjustments. I go to lay the bike down in
garage and POP! I broke the shift pivot bolt. No problem
right? I'll
just drill it out. 3 days, 2 broken cobalt drill bits, a
extractor, and countless hours, and I can't get it out.
morning (leaving for the start on Friday morning) I ride to
the shop in
first gear and beg Tony Lewis to fix it and save me, which he
because he's awesome. Ok, so now I'm ready, get to the start,
everything is going smoothly, here's where the issues start
dangerous. My GPS decides I should ride 40 miles down this BIA
road in
Arizona. Now I've been down these roads before during BL7 and
suck, but it looked ok so I went for it. 5 miles later I'm
ready to
turn around and go on pavement. I see a good wide turn around
spot and
slow to head for it, but there's a section of really deep ruts
it and I dump the bike. Ok, I can recover from this. Righted
the bike,
got out the roll of duct tape and went to work. No problem, I
it 2 more times before I got out of the ruts going back
through them
after turning around. Ok, I'm back on track, later that night
riding through a national forest in Wyoming and the area is
with forest rats (deer). I come up to a couple standing in the
of the road, but the closest one is facing away, I should be
but I'm watching her. Naturally, she turns and runs straight
into me.
Her head hit my turn signal and ripped off everything below
including my aux light. Ok, I can recover from this, more duct
(this is the picture you see in the daily report about
[Editor's note: So you hit a deer and walk away.
Lucky, not
yet a Smurf Event.]
The next day I picked up a
vibration in my front brakes around little bighorn, and later
chasing cows off the road at a missile silo I heard a POP! and
had no
front brakes at all. I stop and walk back up the road and find
one of
my brake pads fell out. The retaining pin was missing. I
collect the
bonus and go to work. While I'm still working on them Eric
Jewell (1st
place after leg 1) shows up. I get the pad back in and run a
couple of
zip ties through the keep it in place. Back on the road and I
got to
ride with Mr Jewell to the next bonus. He said he'd follow me
in case
anything else fell off. Ok, recovered, doing well, bike is
covered in
duct tape and there's zip ties holding my brakes in place,
just a
normal IBR right.
The next day in Kansas, I pulled over onto a soft shoulder for
a second
and when trying to get back on the road my rear tire caught,
sending me
into a whip which ended in a high side. Now this one did some
damage. I
landed on my face and my shield broke off leading to a skid on
my nose.
A little scraped skin, no big deal, more duct tape, ok, crap,
I bent my
shifter and can't get my foot under it. I was on the phone to
my wife
telling her I may be out when a guy stopped and asked if I
needed help,
I said not unless you have tools that can bend the shift lever
out, "let me see what I've got". He pulls out a bucket with a
couple of
pipe wrenches and we manage to bend it back to usable form,
woohoo, I'm
back in the game. [Editor's note: Smurf Event for
including the fact that you survived the high side.]
So now I'm scraped up, the bike is literally held together
with zip
ties and duct tape, but I'm still running and doing well. I
collect my
last bonus and head to the checkpoint. 30 miles from the
checkpoint, my
audio book got boring, so I went to switch the audio system to
ipod, I
looked down, when I looked up, there's a guy doing 65 in a 75
zone. He
was in the right lane, but so was I and I couldn't get slowed
down and
I hit him, hard. I managed to stay on the bike and kept it
upright (it
would have been really bad if I'd gone down) and got pulled
over and
stopped, with blood pouring out of my mouth. During the impact
I put my
teeth through my lip. An officer saw it happen and was right
there so
it didn't take much time to get the police report completed.
They were
both amazed that I didn't go down. [Editor's note:
Event #2...what else explains it?]
The bike was rideable, but
the forks are bent, the fairing is crushed, the front fender
evaporated. I rode it the last 30 miles to the checkpoint and
in time to not take any penalty points, so I checked in and
had a heart
to heart with the rally master (several riders reported seeing
me on
the side of the road with an officer). I completed scoring and
sitting in 4th place. Wow, with everything that went wrong, I
was still
only behind 3 amazing riders, and ahead of 83 others. But the
bike was
totaled and with everything going on I didn't feel like I
continue. I could have gotten another bike and been a
finisher, but i
don't think now is the time. The issues have been getting
more serious and I didn't want my family to have to deal with
the next
one that I couldn't walk away from, so I dropped out and my
dream ended.
Today I'm sore, my lip hurts, I'm not looking forward to
dealing with
insurance, but I'm home, with my loving wife and children, and
more important than ANY rally, even the big one. I'm enviously
the dailies and watching the spot tracks, and already making
plans to
return in 2017 if the rally staff will have me. My wife and I
will be
heading back to Albuquerque for the finish and to pick up
Nicole (the
bike). Look for me in '17 on a black trophy with yellow
accents named
Lemony Snicket.
So, that's what happened and why I dropped out. There will be
rallies, and other IBRs, but not if I got killed because I
take the hints the universe was giving me.
More and
Of Touring "Honor Guard" Arrives In Albuquerque |