May 7, 2017

Moonshine Video
Latest Smurf Event!!
IBA Rendezvous June
Galpin On Road Coaching
Dunlop | Pilot Road Beater Or Not?


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Moonshine Lunch Run

This is likely to be an annual run and we are thinking of making it a Bun Burner "ride to eat" by including Memphis for barbecue and maybe Cajun after that So we get the famous moonburger at Moonshine and roll to Memphis and then toward 'Norleans and back.  Think about that ride for next year.  Raider video at

Raider Karma Once Again:  Another Certified Smurf Card Event!

So we are at the Ozark Rendezvous and those in attendance are asked if they need a Smurf Card.  Stan opines that he does not have one.  Not acceptable!  The issue is immediately addressed and the potential significance of the card explained.  That explanation includes the certified fact that Raider Karma often occurs when Raiders are together.  Well now, what do you suppose happens the very next day??!!  We cannot make this stuff up.  Go HERE.

Alaska Ride Mission Creep

Jesse's killer ride now includes a visit to Prudhoe Bay:  25 June - 16 July.  And that bit of "mission creep" means that you are NOT likely to also get to Las Vegas before the planned stop in Salt Lake at the BMW MOA Rally but you will get to the Arctic Circle.  Obviously you can join in and drop out along the way. The ride has changed in that some of the bucket list roads noted earlier are omitted given the need to get to Alaska and extend the mission.  Scroll to the end of this email for the current 25 day ride schedule.  Jesse has a PDF with all the essential info to include gas stops and hotels.  If interested contact Jesse J Perkins ( AKA T.E.C.H.) or 678-410-2134.  THE CURRENT RAIDER RENDEZVOUS IN LAS VEGAS WILL STILL HAPPEN.

End of June: Iron Butt Rally Launch --  Book Hotel NOW

The IBA has released to Premier Members the name of the hotel where riders will prep and launch for this year's Iron Butt Rally.  Naturally Raiders are ENTERED in the event.  But we have also selected the IBA competitor who will carry the Shards of Touring on their bike.  Yes, the "scared can" will make another run carried by yet another great competitor.  We will also be handing out Smurf Cards as usual.  It is probable that all hotel rooms are booked up for the two official properties.  HOWEVER, we have one room.   You'd have to be there Saturday and Sunday nights and probably be willing to share.  Contact Dave.

Upcoming Rides                             

July means The BMW National Rally.  There are three different Out West ride events and a Las Vegas Rendezvous prior to the Rally and you might want to do that even if NOT going to the rally.

Raider Hotel:  No more rooms available except a handful of suites.  These easily sleep two.  Get in touch with Dave if interested.

July Out West Rides Ending At The MOA Rally:  Pick One!!

1.  You can meet up with Shoulder Joe and roll through Colorado Springs, Ouray Colorado, Price UT, and end up in Salt Lake City.  OR, hang with them AFTER the rally where they do a loop out to California before heading back East to Ohio and New Jersey.  Get in touch with Joe.

2. Catch up with Double D and roll across Colorado, then down to Durango and the Million Dollar Highway, Four Corners, Kanab UT, and end in Vegas.  Folks we have ONE ROOM LEFT in Kanab UT.

3. Las Vegas Rendezvous and Utah Ride:  We assemble in Vegas for a walk about to see the sights and because it is a great launch pad for a ride through Utah on the state's core scenic roads ending at the Raider hotel in Salt Lake City.  We arrive in Salt Lake Thursday night are in Vegas Wednesday night before the rally.  Contact Dave for more details.

4. Bun Burner after the rally going back East.  This is PROBABLY 1,500 in under 24 but for sure at least a regular Bun Burner.

Galpin Is Back | One-On-One Quick Riding On Road Coaching

Susan Galpin is ready to help you conquer corners before they conquer you and ramp up your riding AND your significant other's riding too.  She has a great quaint guest house on her property kitchen equipped and fronted by a soaking pool.  You will stay there.  You get her infamous seminar teaching you first principles and then get out on the roads nearby for one-on-one coaching.  There is a price for this spectacular escape into fun and great riding:  $150 for a single or $250 a couple, includes lodging, food and coaching. You can arrive as early as Thursday.  Email Susan or give her a call at 256-503-9119. 

Fall Colors / October Ride

We are back to Marietta OH just across the river from West Virginia.  This year we roll great roads in Ohio and will alternate the two states.  This year's dates:  October 13 and 14.  For more information, contact Raider My Bad

New Dunlop Tire | Pilot Road Beater Or Not

Dunlop seeks to compete with the Pilot Road 4 GT
So they have announced a new tire which they claim gets better mileage and also performs better in the wet and the twisties.  If true, this tire would give you near 25% - 30% longer rear tire life. Here are some reviews:


To grasp the significance of bonafide Karma Tales, visit
If you want a Smurf Card, we need your mailing address folks.  Click HERE to request one.

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Jesse Ride Schedule
 DAY 1 Eau Claire, WI. 1038 MI
 DAY 2 Bismarck, ND 517 MI
 DAY 3 Butte, MT. 641 MI
 DAY 4 Kelowna, BC. 599 MI
 DAY 5 Ft St John, BC. 703 MI
 DAY 6 Watson Lake, YT 557 MI
 DAY 7 Dawson City, YT 581 MI
 DAY 8. Fairbanks, AK 392 MI
 DAY 9 Fairbanks, AK. Rest
 DAY 10 Coldfoot, AK. 260 MI
 DAY 11 Prudhoe bay, AK 245 MI
 DAY 12 Coldfoot, AK. 245 MI
 DAY 13 Fairbanks, AK. 260 MI
 DAY 14 Anchorage, AK 359 MI
 DAY 15 Anchorage, AK. Rest
 DAY 16 Whitehorse, YT 705 MI
 DAY 17 Tatogga, BC. 466 MI
 DAY 18 Prince George, BC  542 
 DAY 19 Kelowna, BC. 503 MI
 DAY 20 Boise, ID 600 MI
 DAY 21 Salt Lake City, UT. 345 MI
 DAY 22 Salt Lake City, UT Rest
 DAY 23 Salt Lake City, UT. Rest
 DAY 24 Kansas City, KS. 1070 MI
 DAY 25 Atlanta, GA. 803 MI